In 1960, The Mighty Sparrow returned to the Calypso King competition, winning his second crown and third Road March title with “Ten to One Is Murder” (an autobiographical song about an incident in which Sparrow allegedly shot a man), and “Mae Mae”. ~ Dominic Kalipersad.
The updated version of the TriniSpiceFM App is ' LIVE ' now, and is available to download now on both the IOS APP STORE & THE GOOGLE PLAY STORE.
We now bring Everything on one app. messaging, song requests, and socials. We have added the upcoming schedule so you can see what upcoming shows are available. Podcasts are now available as well, all in one place. No more having to go to third party apps to locate them. They are all still available there, if you prefer. Hope you enjoy and drop us a line in the comments with your suggestions and support. - Regan from TriniSpiceFM locate your version here: In 1983, Masman Peter Minshall presented his band “River”. With its theme of ecology, “River” symbolised the flow of nature and its struggle with technological advances.Minshall said it was his most philosophical work. The king of the band won the Carnival King title.
- Dominic Kalipersad. -Video extracts from “The Minshall Trilogy” by Dalton Narine: NB. This post is for my personal archive and is not intended for commercial interests or financial gain. No copyright infringement is intended. |